Who can it be now?

My name is Tim Sepulveda, I am the one person that is VedaToys…. literally, there’s just me, in an office…. eating ramen. I started VedaToys after I decided to try and figure out a way where I still could use my 16 years of experience in advertising vfx, but use them to not necessarily make more commercials or film fx. I always loved toys, from plush to action figures, and more. After stumbling upon the world of bootleg toys I stepped back and said, “I bet I could sculpt some simple toys and design some packaging that I really dig”.

Advertising is a lot of constantly trying to be new, trendy, at the front of creativity, not reuse ideas, and that is exactly what I wanted to try an do, not use pre-existing models or toys as my basis, but create things from scratch, be it digitally. So far things seem to be working out my way as I just passed my second anniversary for existing!